Fluffball gets a massage

Cheshire’s the cuddliest of the piggies and I love giving him massages. He’s a spoiled little prince, though. Around the 1 minute mark, the chin rubs got a little too close to his lips and he nipped me to put me in my place. 😛 I remember the days when he was too scared to even move in my presence, now he’s all demands!

Cheshire’s regularly scheduled butt haircut

So it was that time again… time to cut cheshire’s “tail”. it was getting really long and dragging under him, and you know how gross that can get… so here it is, his haircut!




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… yes, I just didn’t bother cleaning up the haircut 😛 It’s gonna be ragged, he’ll just have to deal with the fact that his butt is not as pretty now.